Blog - Verse Matters
A fortnightly blog on matters that concern the verse- about types of poems, poets, history and evolution, themes, thought, purpose and so on….the possibilities are endless.
Demystifying poetry as a form of communication
Expressing oneself in verse is, indeed, as natural to humans as it is to sing, dance, draw and paint! The more we engage with verse, the more it gets demystified! All of us can read and understand poetry just as easily as we can read and understand prose and what’s more, we can write poetry […]
The Genesis Of A Poem – How And When Is A Poem Born?
How is a poem born? This is like asking when did the bud blossom? When did the cloud begin to float in the sky? Many of my friends have asked me about when and how I write a poem. I guess each of us has our unique ways….this is how it happens in my case…… Read on.